全国服务热线 :  4000-168-194
Honghua Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

BLISS is a strong, growing and entrepreneurial company with various products and a long-standing commitment to excellence customer service.

BLISS has extensive expertise in a variety of specialized fields. These include a comprehensive range of below mentioned products line

-Hotel projects



- Building material


-Gifts and crafts

-School Supply


-Ladies bags


For your convenience, We also provide agency service in all over China and India.such as products sourcing, purchasing and buying assistant, hotel booking, market guiding, translation, commodity inspection, warehousing, Custom Declarations, container up-loading, international shipping(by sea, by air), prepare Custom Clearance documents which are followed by our professional team entirely.

With our hands-on management team of 15peoples, experienced staff and close ties to our carefully selected subcontractors, BLISS has effectively positioned itself to meet the diverse requirements of all its clients in PHILIPPINES,INDIA,DUBAI,USA,SPAIN and surrounding markets with the highest standards of quality and service.

If you need additional assistance you may contact us via email.



广州宏华信息科技有限公司是一家致力于发展网络信息化的公司,现在主要以企业建站、网络信息平台、网络信息应用件开发等为核心服务,并配合相关的网销策划服务为主导。同时,也相应推出一系列的相关优惠套餐,服务到各行各业的企业 、个体人群。我们通过专业的流程及创新的视角为客户提供高品质的服务,用我们标准的服务意识,为不同类型的客户提供最佳的互联网销售方案,帮助客户在新的全球化互联网环境中保持优势,为客户创造新的价值.
Copqyringht@版权所有  广州宏华信息科技有限公司  建站服务:4000-168-194    
投诉电话: 4000-168-194 地址:广州番禺沙湾西环路147号(金沙湾花园对面)    
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